Hi friend,
So about a month ago, Katie and I had another adventure day. We drove up to see my future home! That's right, the apartment in which Jered and I will spend our first year of marriage. Exciting right?
Well, to start off our day, we stopped at a 50s diner on the way to Chicago. We're thinking maybe a new tradition?
So, we arrived safe and sound, and helped Jered by moving Katie's old futon bed into the apartment. How is the apartment you ask? It's small, but I think it will be just right for us. The kitchen? At first, I was very nervous. But today, I had an epiphany.
Our not-full-size fridge will be perfect for two people. Aaand, it will help keep us from letting food go bad. As for that miniature-looking oven? When have I ever needed more room in the oven? The answer is: never. The only pizza stones, casserole dishes, and cookie sheets I have ever used have always left more than enough extra space. And finally- that tiny sink? That, my friends, will force us into neat habits.
Great evening view, right?
We were also able to visit Loyola and see where Jered goes to class. I was very proud of him when I saw his nearly-front row seat. The school library also has a beautiful view by the lake. Obviously, Kate and I were thrilled with the school colors.
Did you know Katie had never been to The Bean? She didn't even know what it was! Needless to say, after going to school less than an hour away from Chicago, I felt like a failure as a sister. How had I not taken her before?!
So, we journeyed to The Bean. Jered had us hop off the El a few stops early, and we ended up walking forever, but hey- what's an adventure without a little something unexpected? That picture of Katie was her first reaction when she found out what we had walked for so long to see. It's ok, we all ended up enjoying it. No worries.
All in all, it was a lovely day with my two favorite people. And, I'm certain there will be many more days such as this one in our near future.
Talk to you later.