Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sneak Peek

Hi friend,

So about a month ago, Katie and I had another adventure day.  We drove up to see my future home!  That's right, the apartment in which Jered and I will spend our first year of marriage.  Exciting right?

Well, to start off our day, we stopped at a 50s diner on the way to Chicago. We're thinking maybe a new tradition?

So, we arrived safe and sound, and helped Jered by moving Katie's old futon bed into the apartment.  How is the apartment you ask?  It's small, but I think it will be just right for us.  The kitchen?  At first, I was very nervous.  But today, I had an epiphany. 

Our not-full-size fridge will be perfect for two people.  Aaand, it will help keep us from letting food go bad.  As for that miniature-looking oven?  When have I ever needed more room in the oven?  The answer is: never.  The only pizza stones, casserole dishes, and cookie sheets I have ever used have always left more than enough extra space.  And finally- that tiny sink?  That, my friends, will force us into neat habits.  

Great evening view, right?

We were also able to visit Loyola and see where Jered goes to class.  I was very proud of him when I saw his nearly-front row seat.  The school library also has a beautiful view by the lake.  Obviously, Kate and I were thrilled with the school colors.

Did you know Katie had never been to The Bean?  She didn't even know what it was!  Needless to say, after going to school less than an hour away from Chicago, I felt like a failure as a sister.  How had I not taken her before?!

So, we journeyed to The Bean.  Jered had us hop off the El a few stops early, and we ended up walking forever, but hey- what's an adventure without a little something unexpected?  That picture of Katie was her first reaction when she found out what we had walked for so long to see.  It's ok, we all ended up enjoying it.  No worries.

All in all, it was a lovely day with my two favorite people.  And, I'm certain there will be many more days such as this one in our near future.

Talk to you later.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Life Well Lived

Hi friends,

This weekend has been very movie-esque for me.  Let me explain:

The memorial service was this weekend.  And in true movie fashion, it rained all morning.  Isn't that just the way?  Talk about setting the mood.

Then there's some kind of grand gesture, or event, or something where people have to work hard together or sacrifice, or plead for the impossible to happen.  Or in our case, have the city of Canton give the ok for us to use the new building, even though it doesn't meet fire safety codes because it was one of Pastor Mike's last wishes.  This was all preluded by scores of people working together to put the sanctuary together in time for the service.

Now, we knew there would be a good turnout, but what we found was a big, new sanctuary that didn't have enough seating for all the people who wanted to pay respect to this man.  And after many men teamed up to add more chairs in the aisles, there were still people standing in the back.

Beautiful tributes were paid to his life, and what his vision for the church really was- the people.  And above all, to his love for the Lord and the purpose He gave him.  There were tears, and laughter, and lots of love.

And there was singing.  Beautiful singing.  And I think that if Mike had seen the sanctuary bursting with people, and heard the verses of Amazing Grace echoing and filling up the room with hundreds of voices, he would have thought that aside from a person coming to Christ, it was the most beautiful thing the church had ever seen.

I don't usually think of myself as a megalomaniac, and I know for a fact that Mike wasn't one, but I hope that I can have just a fraction of the impact that he had.  I don't know how God wants to use me yet, but I pray that I will be effective somehow.

Ah, and so to wrap up the movie-esque day, as we left the church after the service, what should happen, but that the sun peeks out from behind the cloud?  How's that for the conclusion of a film?

However, I do have one thing to ask.  Do we think that Mike would have been more pleased to see that sanctuary as full as it was on Saturday, for him?  Or the next day, for Him?

Just a little something for us to think about until next time...


Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hi reader...

It's been a while, huh?

My brain has been all over lately.  Wedding. Work. Jogging. Weather. Registry. Summer. Babies. Death. God. Food. Prayer. Health. Growth. Apartment. Books.

I'm not enjoying this new, normal, cooler weather.  That warm weather we had for the last few weeks, spoiled me rotten.  It was perfect for jogging.  I'd gotten into a perfect routine.  But cooler weather, and a visit from Jered, have thrown me off a couple days. Time to jump back on it though.  The only draw back to jogging in the warmer weather: clouds of gnats. 

Along with my jogging, I'm attempting to eat a little better.  And while I refuse to be a health fanatic, like my enthusiastic betrothed, I have cut out a significant amount of pop and nearly all fast food.  I'm feeling so good, in fact, that I treated myself to some new tops for jogging.

Jered and I had our first pre-marital counseling session.  I think it went well. I just ordered our books online.  I've also started a book in my small group about learning to be a praying wife.  Some of my favorite stand-out parts, thus far, were when the author reminded me that we have been given authority over the power of the enemy, and that in her marriage, prayer built something good every day.

This weekend we also started registering online.  I thought it would be fun. I was wrong.  It took ridiculously long to choose a comforter.  Even though we're only deciding on things that will fill an itsy-bitsy, teeney-weenie, studio apartment, and will have to get a lot more once we move out of that apartment, I felt like each choice was a life or death decision.

And of course there's the other stuff.  The serious stuff.  I always wondered how I would react to death.  What my grieving process would look like. Now I've had to see it.  And I don't really know what to think about it.  I don't know how I'm handling anything.  I think, maybe, that my style is not to think about it.  Distractions.  They work.

When I said I was thinking about babies- don't freak out- they aren't for me.  Not even close.  I've just been babysitting every week.  And today, I wondered about those babies' futures.  What will they do? 

What kind of girl will Josie grow up to be? 

What will Elle do when she grows up?      

 Will Johanna always be so ornery?

Will Michael be a pastor someday?

Will Lily always be so pleasant?

Will Claire be a ballerina?

Life is a strange thing.  It's strange to think that the elderly patients I see every day were once babies being watched in the nursery.  It's bizarre to see someone whose birth I remember, getting married this summer.  It's weird to see someone weekly, and then just have them be gone one day.  Not to be heard from or seen in person again. 

And so, I can plan to not think about that stuff, other than a post here, and maybe there... but then, who am I kidding?  Whether I try to or not, I can't always be distracted, and I tend to be a thinker.

Well reader, until next time I decide to think somewhat deeply, farewell.
