Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Response... It's necessary

Dear reader,

If you've read this blog for more than just the previous post, you may remember that this was once a collection of confessions. Well... confessions and a host of random thoughts. And, well, let's face it... This is basically the same thing, just in letter form.

So... confession: I've been learning lots lately.

The safest road to hell is the gradual one- the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.
C.S. Lewis

Uggghhh. See, the problem with looking hard at yourself, is that when you start to feel like you've gotten a handle on what you need to work on, and maybe you do have a handle on it, it opens up something else you need to work on, or it just allows you to see something else.

Hosea 14:1 says "Your sins have been your downfall!" (The exclamation point is really in there; I didn't just add that. Something I heard this week really struck me. "You can't run toward God and your sin." Bah. How often do I do that? Unintentionally? Apathetically?

This week, I also heard what I've been feeling the more I get into my Bible. When I look at my sin, when I analyze it, it's really easy to get bogged down. And that's why I'm thankful that I also heard this: He loves the unlovable. He loves those who have nothing to offer. His love is based on His character... not mine.

Thank God.

Now the question is: How am I going to respond?

Remember when the biggest decision you had to make was which Barbie doll you wanted to use? Ah.. Those were the days...

You know, I have pages of notes of what I've been thinking and learning about recently... but I think this is enough confessing for one day.

Hopefully I will write back soon... I certainly would like to, but I've been keeping busy in other ways. Maybe I'll show you what I mean next time.

Anyway, I'll talk to you later.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

An Explanation

Dear friend,

I've decided to turn this blog into a tool of communication in the most literal way I can manage. From now on, or until further notice, I plan to write each post as if it's just for you. Thus, Letters From Me, To You.

Well, there's not too much going on that I feel able to accurately put into words right now. I've been sitting at my computer for at least half an hour now, and I don't have the gumption to write about anything. Probably out of practice...

I guess I can tell you that I had an awesome, exhausting, and far too short weekend in Deerfield. We went bowling, shopping, costuming, and were able to catch up with a bunch of friends. Oh- by we, I mean Jered and me.

I would give you a blow by blow, moment by moment break down of the weekend's events, but you probably don't care all that much and are more concerned with what we dressed up as. Haha. And you should be. You will be relieved to know that Jered's original plan of being Rasputin, the creepy, disgusting Russian monk, changed. Confusingly enough for me, it was my brilliant idea that he took, but only after Jeremy said it was a good one.

So, check it out: Jim Morrison and Amy Winehouse... or two members of the 27 club...

Yep. Pretty much, we were spot on. =)

Well, that's about it. Hope you are doing well. Maybe next time, I'll have a little more to talk about.

Talk to you later.
