I mean, if you look at the calendar, it will tell you that it isn't. Actually, in some ways, it isn't over for me either. It isn't as though I have to go back to classes this week along with everyone else. However, that is where my mind has been traveling back to for the last few weeks. My brain keeps bouncing off a glass wall separating me from TIU, and it is a really, for lack of a better adjective, weird feeling.

Very few students think they will ever say they can't wait to go back to school, yet it is where I am longing to be now. At the beginning of the summer, I was ready to never sit in another class again, to never take notes again, to never have another deadline for class...
After eighteen years of doing just that however, I feel a little lost without it.
More than that, I will miss TIU. As much as students can complain about it, it is a wonderful place. I find myself missing the simplest things. Little things that I won't enjoy here at home.
I will miss seeing Dr. Graddy walk across campus with his winter hat, and listening to his devotionals in class. I miss the feeling of getting ready in my suite, and listening to the hilarious conversations of my friends. I will miss seeing the same people on the sidewalks, in classes, and in the dining hall, that I have seen for the last three years. I am sad that I will never watch Jered play another football game.

I will miss going to Pie Day with everyone, especially Jered, Jeremy, and Kelly, going to the beach with them and Bam and Myriam, and late nights at Dennys.
I will miss seeing Jered dressed up in his football swishy-suit. I miss eating dinner with the guys. As much as I complained about it, I will miss going to band and sporting my sass. I will be sad to be unable to have a random movie night in the suite with the girls, or to watch Adolf and Miss B running around the suite scaring Megan.
I will miss climbing up on top of the press box at night to enjoy massive clouds, millions of stars, and the last of the warm fall breezes. I will even miss those horribly cold walks across campus in the winter.
Have I made my point yet?
In case I haven't, or you missed it, I will miss TIU more than I thought I ever would. I will miss the fun times, the annoying hassles, and the people.
I suppose this is on my mind because last week I helped Katie set up her dorm room, and today I helped Jered pack up the car to go to school, and I feel lonely and nostalgic.
Hm... This isn't where I intended this blog to go, so if you will be patient, I will get on with it. Sorry for the lengthy tangent. Perhaps, the rest will carry a slightly happier mood with it.
This summer seems to have flown by quicker than I could have imagined. There were things I dreaded, and things I was nervous about, and clearly, I am not all too thrilled with where things are going now. However, I did end up having a wonderful summer. Here are some highlights:
I started out with a fabulous trip to Ukraine. I had more fun than I expected, made wonderful friends, and was able to see God work in many ways.
I spent a few precious days at my grandparents' house in Mississippi.
Jered spoiled me for my birthday.
We enjoyed spending time with friends before a wedding, and had quite an adventurous weekend as a result.

We took a fun-filled vacation to Branson. Jered rode his first roller-coaster, and we all laughed at his expense. We also sat through hours of rain to enjoy a baseball game.
I was able to visit Jered and his family a couple different times, including his birthday weekend.
Now as look to the upcoming school year that I will not be a part of, I am sad. I know it is only for a season, and that there is a purpose for me where God has me, but I am still in the process of understanding His ways. In the meantime, I am determined to find ways to break up this year into smaller increments filled with fun.
Bring on the paints, books, and writing!